***************************************************************** VERSION 2.10 NEW FEATURES - Added support for BL2600 variants equipped with nand flash. - Added support for RCM3365 and RCM3375 with hotswap-safe hardware. - Added unique volume labeling for xD cards and other changes to allow hot-swapping using fat_autoMount(). - Addded transparent mutex function wrappers to allow more than one uC/OS-II task to do FAT operations. This includes a new API function fat_InitUCOSMutex(). - Added new API function nf_XD_Detect() to detect xD card presence. - Added samples to demonstrate hot-swapping and FAT - uC/OS-II usage. OTHER FUNCTIONAL CHANGES - PC_COMPATIBLE mode is now enabled by default for RCM3370A. BUG FIXES (Library) - Defect #81408 fixed. FAT can now access RCM3370's socketed xD card nand flash. - Defect #81409 fixed. The fat_UnmountDevice function won't hang if an incomplete device structure is passed into it. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** VERSION 2.06 NEW FEATURES - Added support for PowerCoreFLEX boards equipped with data flash. - Added fat_UnmountDevice function for more complete device disconnect from the Write-Thru cache. - Updated sample programs to use fat_AutoMount and fat_UnmountDevice. - New samples available in Samples.zip or included with Dynamic C 9.20 BUG FIXES (Library) - Defect #81365 fixed. Compile bug in fat_PartitionDevice. - Defect #81366 fixed. GLOBAL INIT's in fat_AutoMount can cause compile error. - Defect #81367 fixed. Max Bad Cluster count reported on serial flash devices. - Defect #81368 fixed. Device level bad clusters on NAND flash not being handled correctly. NAND flash now sets count of bad clusters found. - Defect #81369 fixed. Driver level read problem with NAND flash when busy waiting on flash write/erase cycle. Caused invalid sectors in read cache, especially if using multiple devices. - Defect #81370 fixed. Driver level write problem with NAND flash when busy waiting on flash write/erase cycle. Caused sectors to not always be written to the NAND flash when flushed from the write-thru cache. Was more frequent when using multiple devices. - Defect #81374 fixed. PART.LIB - Unexpected interrupt while running fat_shell.c "format 0" in fast RAM compile mode, or system nak on exit afterward. OTHER FUNCTIONAL CHANGES ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** VERSION 2.05 NEW FEATURES - Driver for use with RCM3360/70 boards equipped with nand flash. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** VERSION 2.01 ******************** IMPORTANT!!! ******************** As of the FAT module version 2.01 release, the FAT module is only compatible with Dynamic C versions 9.01 and greater. Versions of Dynamic C earlier than 9.01 will not be able to be used with this module. If you have questions about module compatibility, please contact technical support for assistance: (530) 757.3737 Fax: 530.753.5141 E-mail: zworld@zworld.com ****************************************************** NEW FEATURES - Added fat_AutoMount function for enhanced board specific initialization. BUG FIXES (Library) - Defect #81292 fixed. Split with 1 cluster free at the same time the directory expands creates file in wrong place and does not expand subdirectory properly. - Defect #81293 fixed. Size of preallocation limited to 32767 clusters and incorrectly wraps and gives wrong results on requests above this amount. - Defect #81294 fixed. Split followed by write and then reset loses length on new file. - Defect #81295 fixed. Exceeding the remaining space on the device sometimes gives errant -22 code. - Defect #81296 fixed. FAT file system write through cache IDs don't distinguish between multiple devices correctly. OTHER FUNCTIONAL CHANGES ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** VERSION 1.02 NEW FEATURES - Full power-loss recovery on all operations with battery back-up. BUG FIXES (Library) - Deleting/truncating a file can leave an unlinked chain in FAT table if power is lost during the operation. Clusters cannot be recovered for use without reformatting the partition. - Truncating a file to small sizes (less than one cluster) can corrupt the file size. - fat_Split not truncating original file, it is cross-linked with new file. - Cluster pointer not wrapping correctly when end of device is reached, can lock system. Corrupts chain being allocated. - fat_FormatPartition is overlapping the two FAT tables. Entries for clusters 0 & 1 in the second table are written to the end of the first table, locking out 2 clusters. - Free space in partition structure not calculated or maintained correctly. - Full file system + write or append to file yields bad state. From there on you can't delete files or directories. - Allocation problem with FAT 12 can cause an extra cluster to be allocated when not requested. Occurs when FAT table entry spans two sectors. BUG FIXES (Samples) - fat_NonBlk.c creates non-existent errors when executed, not handling one of the return codes correctly. - fat_Shell.c rd command not working properly if file contains null characters. OTHER FUNCTIONAL CHANGES *****************************************************************