Release Notes SSH_VNC Client Utility Version 06/21/2006 Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Server 2003 CONTENTS Section Description ------------------------------- 1 Introduction 2 Tested VNC applications 3 Using the ssh_vnc client 4 How it works 5 History 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes the use of the SSH_VNC Client Utility. Please refer to our website or for further questions. The tool is used for starting plink and your VNC Viewer from the Digi CM. 2. Tested VNC applications The following is a listed of VNC viewers to have been tested with this application. A VNC viewer not on this list does not mean it will not work, just that it hasn't been officially tested by Digi yet. UltraVNC (preferred) TightVNC RealVNC Additionally plink can be found here: 3. Using the ssh_vnc client On the Digi CM, under Virtual KVM configuration, in the Client program path enter "ssh_vnc " or "ssh_vnc :". You may also specify a longer sleep time between when plink is started and when VNC tries to connect to plink by adding the time in milliseconds after the destination IP, i.e. "ssh_vnc ". The default wait time is 3000 milliseconds. Your system should have both plink and vncviewer added to your PATH. From a command line to add a path, type "path %PATH%;", for example: "C:>path %PATH%;C:\VNC\". Additionally your VNC client application should be named "vncviewer.exe". 4. How it works The application takes in the destination ssh service's IP and optionally, port number, to connect to. It then starts up plink with a random local port number and directs your VNC viewer to make a connection to that port. Once connected, your VNC viewer will be tunneled through the SSH tunnel to the remote machine providing you with a secure VNC connection. 5. History Version, 06/15/2006 (Rev. B) -------------------------------------------- o Added the ability to specify a sleep time Version, 01/06/2006 (Rev. A) -------------------------------------------- o First Public Release