Release Notes PN 93009370_B ConnectPort X2 Wi-Fi with Python 82001630_B EOS April 15, 2008 INTRODUCTION This is a production release of firmware for Digi's ConnectPort X2 Wi-Fi gateway. The ConnectPort X2 gateway provides support for communication to end nodes in a wireless PAN from a parent application running on an IP network. The behavior of the gateway can be customized through the Python development environment. This firmware does not support Modbus or serial connections to the gateway node. For applications that require communicating directly with the wireless PAN module in the ConnectPort X2 gateway via RealPort, Modbus, or UDP/TCP sockets, a separate firmware version is available. For more details, visit the Digi Support website for firmware version P/N 82001597. SUPPORTED PRODUCTS ConnectPort X2 Wi-Fi ENHANCEMENTS Add support for XBee 802.15.4 modules (Series 1). Reduce runtime memory usage, including both executable code and data. The firmware image size also is somewhat reduced. This results in more available memory in the Digi device, which can help improve performance during intervals of high memory demand operations. Add support for SSL. Enhance the Event Logging feature to permit the user to clear the log on demand, thereby removing all log entries. This is supported in the web UI (Event Logging page) and the CLI ("display logging action=clear"). Add two new options to the CLI command "display logging": head=(lines) tail=(lines) where "(lines)" is a number of log entries to display. The "head" option displays lines from the start of the event log (the oldest entries), and the "tail" option displays lines from the end of the event log (the most recent entries). Add Web UI advanced page for configuring mesh settings. BUG FIXES Fixed several mesh issues: - Increase maximum data payload size to accommodate all radio types. - Update radio's valid parameter ranges. - Fix a problem obtaining gateway radio information. - Fix a problem displaying the product type. KNOWN ISSUES None. DOCUMENTATION ERRATA None. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION It is recommended that you perform a backup of your device's settings prior to upgrading your firmware. If you should need to revert back to a previous version of firmware, this will ensure that you will be able to restore your device to its previous settings in the event that some settings are not restored properly after downgrading the firmware. To backup your device settings, follow this simple procedure: 1) Open the web user interface and navigate to the "Administration" section and select "Backup/Restore". 2) Click the "Backup" button and select the location to where you want to save your backup file. To restore: 1) Navigate to the same section within the web UI. 2) Click the "Browse" button to select the backup file you saved in the previous steps. 3) Click the "Restore" button to upload the configuration settings contained in your backup file. On initial boot of this device, it will generate some encryption key material. This process can take as long as 40 minutes to complete. Until the corresponding key is generated, the device will be unable to initiate or accept that type of encrypted connection. It will also report itself as 100% busy but, since key generation takes place at a low priority, the device will still function normally. On subsequent reboots, the device will use its existing keys and will not need to generate another unless a reset to factory defaults is done, which will cause a new key to be generated on the next reboot. HISTORY 82001630_A - September 27, 2007 Initial release.