Release Notes PN 93000408_C PortServer TS FEP 82000684_B 12 March, 2002 NOTE: When upgrading to a new version of firmware for your PortServer product, please ensure that you are running the most recent POST as well. For the 82000684_B release this would be 82000685_B. Instructions for upgrading the POST are in ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. INTRODUCTION The PortServer TS 8 and PortServer TS 16 are terminal servers that support http, DHCP, SNMP, RADIUS, up to 230 Kbps. The throughput port break down is: 14 ports up to 230 Kbps bi-directionally 16 ports up to 221 Kbps bi-directionally SUPPORTED PRODUCTS The code supports the following devices: PortServer TS 8 PortServer TS 16 PortServer TS 16 Rack ENHANCEMENTS The B release adds support for the TS 16 Rack device. BUG FIXES 8093 - Auto connect failed if the network was not up 7990 - Web GUI did not have the ability to turn on Auth_Traps 7922 - Netmasks larger than defined class {A,B,C} failed to route 7854 - "send brk" added to browser 'Configure->Console Mgmt' menus. 7779 - Session timeout would not expire 7667 - Now able to use 'send brk' with 'connect' 7655 - System remains stable after realport connection is dropped 7573 - Auto connect using rlogin did not work 7572 - Auto telnet by port did not work 7465 - 'reconnect' from menu would redraw menu before connecting 7444 - lpd would occasionally truncate print jobs 6544 - auto connect was alowed for a port with UID "none" KNOWN LIMITATIONS Not applicable. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Upgrading the POST and FEP -------------------------- Load the POST code first with the command: boot load-boot=:82000685B.bin A reset is necessary to allow the new POST to run. boot action=reset Upgrade the FEP with the command: boot load=:82000684B.bin The unit should be reset after the FEP upgrade as well. HISTORY 82000684_B - 12 Feb 2002 - Add TS 16 Rack support 82000684_A - 5 Sep 2001 - First Release of firmware.