Frequently Asked Questions OS/2 DGX.SYS NON-INTELLIGENT CARD DRIVER The dgx.sys driver is used with the pc/4, pc/8, pc/16 & classic 4, classic 8 or the classic 16. Section 1 will explain how to install the pc/x card. Section 2 will explain the classic card installation using dgx.sys. The dgx.sys driver will work with os/2 2.1, warp 3.0 & warp 4. Section 1: What driver do I use? DGX.SYS version 2.2.5 Where can I get the driver and what is the file name ? The web site . The file name is 4000309n.exe How do I install the driver? 1. First configure the hardware (dip switches & jumpers) which set the IRQ & HEX I/O addresses for each port. 2. Next make a directory called digi, copy the 4000309N.exe in the digi directory type the file name and the self extract utility will creat 13 files. 3. Now add a device statement to you config.sys file. a. e/config.sys will start the editor and place you in the config.sys file. b. Now add a device statement to the bottom of your config.sys. c. Here is what a basic device statement would look like. device=c:\digi\dgx.sys /p:140 /i:5 /c:8 /n:3 4. What global parameters does the driver support? /n: This is the port_name, com1, digi1 etc... The driver defaults to com3 if this parameter is not added to the device statement. /c: This tells os2 how many ports the card has. /b: Sets a default baud rate for all ports. Most of the time your application will set this. /a:a Used for altpin (enables alternative pin assignment of DCD used only with digi rj45 10 pin connector boxes. /p: Sets the status port address (DS1 switch setting). /i: Sets the IRQ line(j85-j90 & j1-j10) /d: Sets the initial data type(n81, e71 etc...) 5. How do I know that the driver installed? When the system boots-up you will see the following line. The example below is for a pc/8 set to IRQ 5 Status port 140 and I/O ports 100-138 hex. PCX, MCX and Digi ClassicBoard Device Dirver For OS/2- Version 2.2.5 Copyright (c) 1993-199- Digi International Inc All Rights Reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Card Type Status Port I/O Port Interrupt Line Channels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PC/X 140-140 100-13f 5 8 Section 2: Installing the Digi Classic Card. 1. First you need to configure the hardware using the Classic configuration utility disk. This utility wil set the status port address, the irq and the the individual port I/O port addresses. 2. Next you will add a device statement to the bottom of your config.sys file. An basic example is below. The classic card does not require the hardware settings to to added to the device line, they are stored in a file called dgx_cfg.txt. There will be a second file that is created for each classic card dcb1.bin etc.... If you change your hardware settings with Classic configuration utility disk you must also delet the dgx_cgf.txt & the dcb1.bin file. You can also use that same gobal parameters in your device statement as the pc/x card but your application will normal set them. Device=c:\digi\dgx.sys 3. How do I know that the driver loaded? It will be the same as step 5 for the pc/x. Section 3: How do test the card? 1. First, in the directory that contains the digi driver file,(You should be in an os/2 full screen) type dmode (comname) if os/2 see the port it will list the ports current settings. Below is the default ports settings. Maximimum Baud for this device=115200 com3 38400 n,8,1 TO=OFF, XON=OFF, IDSR=OFF, ODSR=OFF, OCTS=OFF,RTS=ON, DTR=ON, ALT=OFF, QW=ON 2. You can also type dir > com3 which will make the device react to the command. 3. You can also use the os/2 diags, dgos2ud.exe with a loopback plug on the port to test the ports output. Section 4: What errors mite I see when the driver loads. Problem: IO port not responding. Please check settings: Solution: check I/O settings for conflicts. If using the classic card check the setup utility and the dgx_cfg.txt file they need to match. Problem: IRQ is Unavailable. Please check settings