Release Notes PN 93000335K Digi AccelePort Xp, AccelePort RAS, and DataFire RAS Driver Package V2.6.B Novell NetWare, 4.X, 5.X, 6.X Software Package PN 40001908K October 24, 2000 CONTENTS Section Description 1 Introduction 2 Supported Products 3 Enhancements 4 Bug Fixes 5 Known Limitations 6 Install Instructions 7 Errata 8 History INTRODUCTION This package contains a unified driver for the DataFire RAS, AccelePort RAS, and AccelePort Xp line of adapters for use under the Novell NetWare Operating System. SUPPORTED PRODUCTS AccelePort RAS AccelePort RAS 4 A4 AccelePort RAS 8 A8 AccelePort Xp AccelePort 2p PCI AccelePort 4p PCI AccelePort 8p PCI AccelePort 16p PCI DataFire RAS DataFire RAS 24 PT1 DataFire RAS 48 PT2 DataFire RAS 30 PE1 DataFire RAS 60 PE2 DataFire RAS 4 B4ST DataFire RAS 4 B4U ENHANCEMENTS Added installation support for NetWare 5.X and 6.X. See history section for previous enhancements. BUG FIXES None. See history section for previous bug fixes. KNOWN LIMITATIONS DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters: If this driver is being upgraded from a driver package before version 2.0.A the adapter's configuration file will be overwritten. This means any changes made with the dgrascfg.nlm (Digi's configuration utility) will be replaced with default values. It is recommended that the dgrascfg.nlm utility is run again and parameters are reentered. If a message appears that is similiar to the following: "Unable to read XXXXXXX configuration". This means that there is no configuration file or the file has changed from a previous version as described above. It is recommended that the dgrascfg.nlm (Digi's configuration utility) be run in order to create the appropriate configuration file. DataFire RAS adapters: Under NIAS (Novell Internet Access Server - niascfg.nlm) for both PRI and T1 configurations, 24 AIO ports will be reported per line. However for PRI configurations only 23 ports (PRI=23B+1D) will actually be available. This is normal. If this "extra" unavailable port is a concern it can be deleted. Note however, that if you change the configuration from PRI to T1, this deleted port will have to be manually readded or you will not have access to the full 24 ports under T1. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: These instructions are intended to be used for drivers that have been downloaded from the Digi internet/ftp site. These instructions assume that the user is familiar with moving files from a Windows system to a Novell system. To install the drivers to a NetWare 4.x or 5.x server follow these instructions: 1) Run the 40001908.exe (it will be labeled differently depending what letter revision it is e.g. 40001908_X.exe) on a Windows 95/98 or Windows NT/2000 system. This will extract the files to a directory of your choice. 2) Move the files from the Windows system to a directory on the Novell server called "RAS". This directory can be located anywhere on the Novell server, however it must be named "RAS". 3) At the Novell NetWare command prompt type "load nwconfig" (this is "load install" for NetWare 4.X). This will bring up the "Netware Configuration" screen with the "Configuration Options" menu. 4) From the "Configuration Options" menu select "Product Options". This will bring up the "Other Installation Actions" menu. 5) From the "Other Installation Actions" menu select "Install a product not listed" option. This will bring up a pop up window that is confirming the location of the files to be installed. 6) From this pop up window type the to specify the installation directory. This will bring you a window with a prompt. 7) At the prompt enter the location of the directory named "RAS" that you created in step 2. For example this would be ">sys:/ras" if you created the directory in the root directory or ">sys:/digi/ras" if you created the directory in a directory called digi. Completion of this step will bring up the "Install Options" menu. 8) At the "Install Options" menu select "Install Product". This will bring the "Install To Servers" menu. 9) From the "Install To Servers" menu select the name of the server that the driver will be installed to. This will bring up a pop up window asking if you want to complete the installation. Answer "yes" to complete the installation. Setting up the adapter for Novell NetWare NIAS (Novell Internet Access Server) To use the adapter with NIAS a number of steps must be taken to setup the the board. First the board must be configured using a Digi utility called dgrascfg.nlm. This utility sets up board options such as modem nationality and line specific information (PRI, Channelized T1, etc.) depending on what type of adapter you are using. Then there are various steps that need to be done using Novell NetWare's niascfg.nlm. The steps will differ depending on whether the board is being setup for ISDN connections or Serial connections or both types of connections. Follow the instructions below: First board specific options need to be setup up using the Digi utility named "dgrascfg.nlm". 1) At the Novell NetWare command prompt type "load dgrascfg.nlm". This will bring up a menu with the option to view and configure boards. 2) Select "Configure/View Boards". This will bring up a menu listing all of the boards found. It is IMPORTANT to take note of the order the boards are listed if there is more than one kind of board being installed. This information will be needed to properly setup NIAS. 3) For each board, select, verify, and save the various options. Next the board needs to be setup up with the Novell utility named "niascfg.nlm". If you are setting up your board for both ISDN and Serial connections it is recomended that ISDN connections be setup first. To setup a board for ISDN connections following these instructions: 1) At the Novell NetWare command prompt type "load niascfg.nlm". This will bring up the "NIAS Options" menu. 2) From the "NIAS Options" menu select "Configure NIAS". This will bring up the menu "Select Component to Configure". From this menu select "Remote Access". This will bring up the "Remote Access Options" menu. 3) From the "Remote Access Options" menu select "Configure Synchronous Interfaces". This will bring up the "Internetworking Configurations" screen with the "Select Boards" menu. 4) At the "Select Boards" menu type to add a board. This will bring up a list of drivers. From this list of drivers select "WHSMCAPI". This will bring up a prompt asking for a board name. 5) At the prompt enter a board name. This name should be unique for each board that is being setup. On completion of entering a board name the "WHSMCAPI Board Configuration" menu will appear. 6) Under the "WHSMCAPI Board Configuration" menu various board options can be selected. Use the to move between the various fields. A) To begin with select the "CAPI Board Options: " option. This will bring up "Installed DataFire RAS ISDN Lines" list. From this list select the appropriate lines to configure. This will bring up the "Digi DataFire RAS Board Configuration" menu. From this menu select the "Line Config:" option to configure various line options. 7) Now the ports need to be individually configured. Enter the to back up to the "Internetworking Configurations" menu. From this menu select "Network Interfaces". This will bring upt the "Network Interfaces" list. 8) You will have to configure each port for each board you have setup. To configure an individual port, select it and type the to bring up the "Select A Medium" window. 9) From the "Select A Medium" window you will most likely want to select the "PPP Remote Access" option. Selecting this option will bring up the "PPP Remote Access Network Interface Configuration" menu. Make any changes necessary. Continue this process for each port. 10) At this point you are done. Enter the to back up to the "Internetworking Configuration" menu. From this menu select "Reinitialize System" to activate changes. To setup a board for SERIAL connections follow these instructions: 1) At the Novell NetWare command prompt type "load niascfg.nlm". This will bring up the "NIAS Options" menu. 2) From the "NIAS Options" menu select "Configure NIAS". This will bring up the menu "Select Component to Configure". From this menu select "Remote Access". This will bring up the "Remote Access Options" menu. 3) From the "Remote Access Options" menu select "Set Up...". This will bring up the "System Setup Options". 4) From the "System Setup Options" menu select "Add a Serial Adapter". A pop up window will appear asking if you want to let NIAS help load AIO drivers. Type to continue. This will bring up a list of drivers. 5) From this list select "Digi International AccelePort Xp, AccelePort RAS, and DataFire RAS". This will bring up the "Board Configuration" menu. 6) At this menu fill in any board specifics. For the DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters only the board name and board type fields need to be filled. When filling out the board name for each board, it is IMPORTANT that the order for adding each board matches the order of the boards specified by the dgrascfg.nlm utility (step 2) when there are boards of different types. Type the when this is completed and answer yes to save changes. 7) Next a pop up window will ask if you need to load more AIO drivers. Answer yes if anymore boards need to be configured for serial connections. Answering no will bring up a pop up window asking if you want to keep current modem settings for each port. 8) Answer no inorder to configure the modems on each board. This will bring up a pop up window explaining that NIAS will attempt to determine which ports have modems. Type the "Enter Key> to continue. NIAS will then determine which ports have modems attatched. 9) After NIAS has determined which ports have modems attatched the "Select Action" menu will appear. Select "Continue with Automated Setup". This will bring up a pop up window asking if you want NIAS to determine the modem types automatically. 10) Answer no to manually select the modem type. Next a pop up window will ask if you have the same modem type attatched to all the ports. Answer yes if you are installing only DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters. If you are installing the AccelePort Xp adapter you will have have to determine the answer based on what modems you have hooked up to the adapter. 11) Answering yes to the above question will bring up a list of modems. Select "Rockwell Compatible 56k (K56flex)" from the list. At this point you are done and can repeatedly type the to exit. If at any point in the installation you want to start over follow these instructions: 1) Exit niascfg. 2) At the Novell NetWare command prompt enter "load inetcfg". This will bring up the "Inetworking Configuration" menu. 3) If any isdn ports have been configured they must be deleted at this time. If you are unsure you can skip to step 5. If you did configure the ports and you skip to step 5 NetWare won't allow you to delete the board and you will have to complete this step. 4) From the "Inetworking Configuration" menu select the "Network Interfaces" option. This will bring up the "Network Interfaces" list. For each port in this list that is configured you will have to delete by selecting it and typing the to delete it. 5) From the "Inetworking Configuration" menu select the "Board" option. This will bring up a list of any boards that have been installed. 6) Select any board that you installed from the list. Type the to remove this board. When you are finished deleting boards exit inetcfg. 7) Manually unload any drivers that got loaded. The drivers have to be unloaded in a specific order. If you try to unload out of order NetWare will tell you the correct driver to unload. This is the order that the drivers must be unloaded (sometimes there are other Digi utilities that are not listed here that must be unloaded (NetWare will tell you of these)). At the Novell NetWare command prompt enter the following commands: A) unload aiodgdm B) unload dfcapras C) unload dgmngr D) unload dgdxb 6) Now the board configuration process can be restarted. For additional help with setting up NIAS go to the Novell web site at "". There are some good html references explaining how to use NIAS for various applications such as PPP. ERRATA MODEM INITIALIZATION STRINGS The DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters use Rockwell compatible modems. Where a modem initialization string is requested and a choice of modems is provided choose a modem type similiar to: "Rockwell compatible 56k (56 flex)". ISDN MODEM INITIALIZATION STRINGS When setting up ISDN with niascfg.nlm select ISDN(AT control) under standard Novell initialization strings. SWITCHING BETWEEN POLLING AND INTERRUPTS WARNING: The DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters can only use interrupts in serial mode and will NOT work properly in ISDN mode. This driver allows the ability to change the way data is tranfered from the driver to the application. There are two methods our driver uses to do this. One method called polling works by periodically checking if data has been sent by the adapter. The other method called interrupts works by the driver getting notified only when data has been sent by the adapter. Interrupts allow for a quicker response time, while polling can give a more efficient transfer when large amounts of data are coming in at a consistent rate. In reality there is little perceived difference between the two. The decision to include both is mostly in response to the customer requesting this. Also using polling results in a much higher perceived CPU utilization then interrupts. Although this looks bad, in reality it has little effect on system performance. When our driver uses polling it will give up its high CPU utilization to other processes as they are loaded. However if this perceived CPU utilization is a problem, interrupts can be used instead. By default the DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters use polling and the AccelePort Xp adapters use interrupts. To modify this behavior you must modify a text file called "dgdxb.ini". This file is located in the "system/digiintl" directory. WARNING: The DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters can only use interrupts in serial mode and will NOT work properly in ISDN mode. To allow the DataFire RAS or AccelePort RAS adapters to use interrupts change the string "RAS_INTR_PERIOD=0" to "RAS_INTR_PERIOD=X" where X the minimum time in milliseconds that can exist between interrupts. We recommend a value between 6 and 12 milliseconds. To allow an AccelePort Xp adapter to use polling change the string "AXP_INTR_PERIOD=5" to "AXP_INTR_PERIOD=0". This turns off interrupts. The polling rate will then be set by the string "POLL_PERIOD=X" where X is the time in milliseconds that adapters not using interrupts will poll at. We recommend a value between 3 and 12 for AccelePort Xp adapters. Note changing this will also effect the polling rate for AccelePort RAS and DataFire RAS adatpers. For these cards we recommend that the value is kept around 10 milliseconds. Note in order for the above changes the driver must be reloaded. Also to ensure that the settings were changed enter "dxbutil status" at the Novell prompt and information about each card will be displayed, including information about polling and interrupts. UTILITIES The following software modules have some command line options that could prove useful. DGPAV.NLM (User must manually load) Digi Portassist Viewer - Views ISDN D Channel traces. Help: Load DGPAV -? Usage Example: Load DGPAV -B0 -L1 -C DGDXB.NLM (Loaded at system boot) Shows card statistics Help: dxbutil -? Usage Example: dxbutil status DGCAPRAS.NLM (ISDN Driver, loaded at system boot) With ISDN configured, shows ISDN statistics Help: DFCAP -? Usage Example: DFCAP linestatus brd=0 HISTORY Version 2.6.A [ENHANCEMENTS] Many changes have been made to this driver since the previous 1.x version. The biggest change is the addition of the AccelePort Xp line of adapters. In addition many changes were made that should improve the stability and performance of the driver as a whole. The DataFire RAS and AccelePort RAS adapters now support the use of interrupts instead of polling for data transfer. However this is only true for serial mode and will NOT work correctly when using ISDN mode. Using interrupts instead of polling results in a signifigant decrease in perceived CPU usage when the adapter is idle. In reality there is no signifigant advantage to using one over the other. Note the AccelePort Xp line of adapters uses interrupts by default. The AccelePort RAS and DataFire RAS use polling by default. The description of how to switch between interrupts and polling is described in the ERRATA section contained within this document. Added a debugging utility called blackbox. This allows Digi to obtain low level call information useful in debugging difficult problems. Added ability to do 8 megabyte dumps of the fep. This is useful for debugging. In polling mode, CPU utilization goes down after no data has been received for about 2 seconds. [BUG FIXES] Fixed a bug in the dgrascfg.nlm that did not allow the selection of many modem nationalities. A new version of the firmware has been added to this driver. It fixes many of the problems with faxes. Version 2.5.A [BUG FIXES] Fixed a bug that caused problems with loading and unloading of the driver on some machines. Version 2.2.B [BUG FIXES] Since the last release the following items have been fixed in the firmware: 1) A problem was fixed where service messages brought down the PRI line on some National ISDN switches. 2) Problems relating to the failure to establish ISDN modem connections were fixed. 3) A problem where B channels were not being hung up correctly was fixed. 4) A problem was fixed where no B channel status information was being reported for higher numbered B channels. 5) A problem was fixed for the DataFire RAS 48 adapter where status information on line 1 was being misinterpreted as status information for line 2. 6) Finally there was a bug that was fixed that might have potentially caused problems with adapters that have interrupts activated. No such problems have been reported to date. Version 2.2.A [BUG FIXES] Adapters now load properly on a pci multibus architecture. A number of bugs were fixed in the firmware that relate to modems: 1) Fixed bugs in operation of the AT command set 2) Fixed bugs in the generation of digital messages that contain capability information (such as negotiating positions in FAX and v.8bis. 3) Fixed bugs in the generation of digital FAX image data. There were fixes in the firmware relating to ISDN data handling and a few changes to ISDN signal reporting (but not signalling per se). Other ISDN changes were made specifically to pass Hong Kong certification and do not affect other nationalities. Also there were several minor bugs in the driver that were fixed. These minor bugs were related to situations that were unlikely to occur and we never witnessed them in testing.