DigiWARE Release Notes 93000284C for RealPort Driver MPRAS - NCR MPRAS version 3.x Software Package P/N 75000320D Diskette P/N 40001754D V2.4.0 (3.5") Software Manual P/N 92000266 11/1/99 1. Enhancements A diagnostic program has been added called portman that pro- vides port monitoring, statistics, simple loopback, and data capture. See manual page for more information. Two options has been added to the realport drivers that are supported by ditty. The printer option will hold a port open forever to allow the flags to remain sticky. The cltime option allows the user to set a delay time to allow data to drain properly when the port is closed. See the ditty manual page for more information. 2. Problems Fixed A problem was fixed where a possible race condition during the port open caused a kernal panic. A problem with flow control was fixed during the close pro- cedure. It was possible for a nohup'ed process on one of the Real- Port ports could have prevented the ncxd daemon from res- tarting. This has been fixed. A "device busy" error was reported on the ports after the PORTS modules were removed and replaced. This has been fixed. 3. Limitations If the network connection is lost between the Realport driver and the PortServer, it may take several minutes before communications can be re-established with the Port- Server.