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Appendix B: Map File Generation

Starting with Dynamic C 7.05, all symbol information is put into a single file. The map file has three sections: a memory map section, a function section, and a globals section.

The map file format is designed to be easy to read, but with parsing in mind for use in program down-loaders and in other possible future utilities (for example, an independent debugger). Also, the memory map, as defined by the #org statements, will be saved into the map file.

Map files are generated in the same directory as the file that is compiled. If compilation is not successful, the contents of the map file are not reliable.

B.1 Grammar

<mapfile>: <memmap section> <function section> <global section>

<memmap section>: <memmapreg>+

<memmapreg>: <register var> = <8-bit const>

<register var>: XPC|SEGSIZE|DATASEG

<function section>: <function descripton>+

<function description>: <identifier> <address> <size>

<address>: <logical address> | <physical address>

<logical address>: <16-bit constant>

<physical address: <8-bit constant>:<16-bit constant>

<size>: <20-bit constant>

<global section>: <global description>+

<global description>: <scoped name> <address>

<scoped name>: <global>| <local static>

<global>: <identifier>

<local static>: <identifier>:<identifier>

Comments are C++ style (// only).

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